Explanation of Tihfat Al-Atfaal in Tajweed
O Son (Boy) Explained
Surat Yusuf Explained
Tafsir 2
Nukhbat Al-Fikar Explained
Explaining The Book of Shama'el of At-Tirmidhi شرح كتاب الشمائل للترمذي
Explanation of the Chapter of Tribulations and Fierce Battles from the Book of The Beginning and End for Ibn Kathir شرح كتاب الفتن والملاحم لابن كثير
The Five Battlefields Series of Five Khutbahs
Annual Conference Miami 2015
Al-Fatiha First Conference Kitaab Al-Fitan of Ibn Kathir
Explanation of Mukhtasar Minhaaj Al-Qasideen of Ibn Qudamah
Purification of the Hearts Series Of Khutbah's
Forty Nawawi Explained New Series
Al-Adab Al-Mufrad Season 3
Al-Adab Al-Mufrad Continued