It is the time of the year again when a lot of Muslims and Islamic centers and mosques start spreading out flyers all over the place to commemorate the birth of our beloved Muhammad (peace be upon him). Regarding the ruling of such celebration, you can find the answer in the Fatwa section of this issue.
When a dear brother approached me to tell me how much it was touching and effective the recitation of a poem the night before, and how everyone in the masjid or house (not sure) was indulged
and crying due to the words in this chanting (na`at). This chanting that happens to be recited every year by people whom we do not hear from the whole year is called Al-Burdah; which means literally the cloak. This poem was written by Al-Buseeri, whose full name was Muhammad ibn Sa‘eed ibn Hammaad al-Sunhaaji. He was born in 608 AH and died in 696 AH, who claimed that he saw the messenger (peace be upon him) in his dream placing his cloak over him so he was cured the next morning from his sickness, and as a result he composed Al-Burdah.
Even though the poem is of a high caliber of eloquence in the praising of our messenger (peace be upon him), but it has a lot of violations of the principles of faith and aqeedah of Islam and Muslims. I will mention some of those violations hoping that it will be an eye opener for all the brothers and sisters who thought that Allah can be worshipped via what he made forbidden and haram.
Without any further delay, I will dive with you into this poem to extract those infractions of the principles of faith.
Al-Buseeri said:
يا أكرمَ الخلْقِ مالي مَن ألوذُ به سواك عند حدوثِ الحادثِ العَمم
Which translates into:
O noblest of creation, I have no one to turn to except you when major calamity strikes
I say:
“Turning to” anyone in the time of calamities is only allowed when such person can help with such calamity but to leave this “turning to” to include every calamity possible is something that you are allowed to ask ONLY Allah (subhanahu wata`ala). This is by the consensus of the scholars of this ummah and he who does that has fallen into shirk.
Al-Buseeri said:
فإن لي ذمة منه بتسميتي ***** محمداً وهو أوفى الخلق بالذمم
Which translates to:
I have a promise from him (messenger) because my name is Muhammad, and he is the most trustful of all creation in fulfilling his promises.
I say:
How does Al-Buseeri claim that he has a promise from the messenger peace be upon him to take care of him because they share the same name? Does he have a verse from the Qura`an or a hadith from the Sunnah of that, because if he can not produce such evidence, then we will have no choice but to call him a liar who relates to the messenger what he did not say, and such person should assume his place in the hell-fire as the messenger peace be upon him said.
How many people named Muhammad have gone astray from the way of Allah subhanahu wata`ala and the guidance of the messenger peace be upon him. Where in our Qura`an or Sunnah does it say if your name is Muhammad you should be taken care of? In our societies, we see Muhammad dwelling on the innovations, selling and drinking liquor, committing adultery, dealing with riba and usury, allying the disbelievers on the account of the believers, and the list continues.
Al-Buseeri says:
إن لم تكن في معادي آخذا بيدي ***** فضلا وإلا فقل يا زلة القدم
Which translates as:
If you do not take my hand out if kindness on the Day of Resurrection, then what great trouble I will be in
I say:
Did Al-Buseeri forget that only Allah is the one who has the absolute power to benefit and help, to harm and prevent?
Al-Buseeri said:
فإن من جودك الدنيا وضرتها ***** ومن علومك علم اللوح والقلم
Which translate into:
This world and the Hereafter are part of your blessings, and part of your knowledge is the knowledge of Al-Lawh Al-Mahfoodh and the Pen.
I say:
I seek refuge in Allah from this shirk and exaggeration! The heavens and the earth and what is in between all belong to Allah subhanahu wata`ala alone. The knowledge of Al-Lawh Al-Mahfoodh and the Pen only belongs to Allah subhanahu wata`ala. This is clear kufr and heresy.
Al-Buseeri says:
دع ما ادعته النصارى في نبيهم ***** واحكم بما شئت مدحاً فيه واحتكم
Which translates into:
Avoid only what the Christians used to praise their prophet (by calling him God), and praise his with anything else (beside saying he is God) you wish.
I say:
The messenger peace be upon him said: “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam, for I am just a slave, so say ‘The slave of Allaah and His Messenger.” I think this is enough to argue this line of his poem.
These are a few lines of this infamous poem, and after all this my beloved Muslim, you still think that you are showing love to the messenger peace be upon him by uttering these lines.
I know you love the messenger peace be upon him, and I know you would give up a lot for him, but remember that what would pleases him is to follow his way and his guidance. They took advantage of this emotion and love when they told you that this poem represents the love for the messengerpeace be upon him, and they neglected Allah’s words where he says:” Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم to mankind): “If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
I ask Allah subhanahu wata`ala to guide me and you and all the Muslims to follow this religion in a way that will bring us closer to the gardens of heaven and drive us away from the pits of hell-fire.